Screenshot Grimoire 3.3 AQW:
Apa yang baru dari Le Bot 8.5?
• Proses botting lebih cepat 12% (dibandingkan dengan 8.4)
• Fitur yang tidak berguna sudah dihilangkan
• Sistem penargetan baru
• Default FPS meningkat (seharusnya mempengaruhi kecepatan proses botting juga).
Menu Le Bot 8.5 AQW:
[+] Bots
- Arcangrove
- Chronospan
- Doomwood
- Etherstorm
- Evil
- Good
- Horc
- Lycan
- Mythsong
- Pet Tamer
- Skyguard
- Sandsea
- Thunderforge
- Troll
- Vampire
- Yokay
Legion Farm:
- Colessium Combattants
- Beginning the final
- Legion Exercise 1
- Legion Exercise 2
- Legion Exercise 3
- Legion Exercise 4
- Legion Seek The Soul
- Insanely insane
- Soul collector and Legion non-Soul colletor
- High legion champion
- Exalted Legion champion
- Alchemy Reagents
- Ancien Vitae
- Bamboozle vs drugent (M)
- Blood titan token
- [BOA] Find The Blade
- [BOA] Find The Handle
- [BOA] Find The Hilt
- [BOA] Find The Runes
- [BOA] Find The Stonewrit
- Combat trophies
- Dark Crystal Shard
- Dark Spirit Orbs
- Dragon Talons
- Elder's Blood Potion
- Emblem of Longevity
- Emblem of Good Luck
- Fuchsia/Magenta die
- Find The Blade!
- Find The Handle!
- Find The Hilt!
- Find The Runes!
- Find The Stonewrit!
- Finding Fragments With Blade
- Finding Fragments With Bow
- Finding Fragments With Broadsword
- Finding Fragments With Dagger
- Finding Fragments With Mace
- Finding Fragments With Scythe
- Golden Dragon Spear
- Golden Tickets
- Mana Golem Bots
- Pay Homage to Caladbolg
- Pinpoint the Pieces With Blade
- Pinpoint the Pieces With Bow
- Pinpoint the Pieces With Broadsword
- Pinpoint the Pieces With Dagger
- Pinpoint the Pieces With Mace
- Pinpoint the Pieces With Scythe
- Rainbow Shards
- Rays of Hope
- Sparrow's Blood Potion
- Spirit Orbs
- Supplies to Spin the Wheel of Chance
- Tainted Gems
- Tainted Souls
- Totems of Nulgath
- Viper's Blood Potion
- Forestchaos gold
- Generic Attack Bot
- Quick Gold
- SpaceTime Xp
- Timeportal CP
- Undead Pirates Xp
[+] Options
• Resume bot manager
• Reject all drops
• Private rooms
• Lag killer
• Skip cutscenes
• Generic attack bot
• Get all drops
• Custom skills
• Enemy magnet
[+] Bot Manager
[+] Packet Spammer
[+] Auto Relogin
[+] Bank
1. Download Le Bot 8.5 AQW
2. Buka Le Bot 8.5 AQW
3. Login menggunakan akun AQW kamu
4. Selamat Botting :D
- Thanks to JamesRo MPGH
Beberapa file DMBOT belum bisa dipakai di Le Bot 8.5
Some DMBOT files cannot be used in Le Bot 8.5
Link Download:
Via Mediafire
Via Zippyshare
mantap gan saya pengemar blog ente saya pantau terus tolong sering2 di update terima kasih ^+^\
BalasHapusMakasih banyak gan. Apa agan ada saran untuk update apa selanjutnya?
HapusGan bot baru udah di update? Karna ada pembaruan url
BalasHapusPembaruan url seperti apa gan?
HapusGan kok sekarang nggak bisa dibuka le botnya??
BalasHapusAQW baru aja melakukan update terbaru gan. Jadinya le bot gak bisa dibuka lagi. Silahkan pakai trainer AQW yg lain misalnya grimoire
Hapusle bot 8.3 masih bisa
BalasHapuskok aku gak bisa ya gan?
BalasHapusSemenjak ada Artix Launcher, Le bot udah gak bisa karena JamesRo belum memperbaruinya. Ada Le bot yg masih bisa digunakan yaitu yg tidak resmi (bukan buatan JamesRo) tapi menyebabkan banned
BalasHapusjadi, lebot yang dibuat oleh james ro itu gk bakalan di banned gitu?
BalasHapusBisa dibilang begitu, selama ini belum pernah di banned