A Melody A Storied Vow Bot Script AQW

Today, We made a bot/script for you to automatically complete the A Storied Vow Bot Script on the Astravia Judgement map. This script runs flawlessly using RBot 3.6. The rewards that you can get is A Memory, Used to merge items in the Astravia Judgement Merge shop.

📸 Screenshot Bot/Script

🔍 How to use Bot/Script

  1. Download the .cs file via the link below
  2. Put it in the RBot\Scripts folder (optional)
  3. Open the RBot program
  4. Log into your AQW account
  5. Open the Scripts menu in the top menu
  6. Press the Load Script button, browse to the A Melody.cs file
  7. Edit the script to suit your needs (optional)
  8. Press the Start Script button to run the bot/script
  9. The compilation process may take a few seconds
  10. when finished using the bot, press the Stop Script button to stop it

🎁 Auto pick up the following items

  • A Memory (AC)

⚡ Class Skills

  • Legion Revenant

😈 Attacked Monsters

  • A Melody (AC)

🗺️ Joined Maps

  • Astravia Judgement (/join astraviajudge)

👥 Creators

  • SomeOnlyClub

💾 Direct download link. No URL Shortener


Thank you for visiting our website. If you want a bot script that is not yet on this website, feel free to write it in the comments. Have a nice day 👋

2 Komentar

  1. Greeting my friend. Thanks for the bot, Tho I have Several question how do you change the class and the class skill?

    1. Hello buddy, to change the class, you need to add the code bot.Player.EquipItem("Legion Revenant"); above the word while
      to change the class skill, you can edit int[] skills = {3, 4, 1, 2}
      Note: 3, 4, 1, 2 are skill order

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